organic cacao butter gluten free 250 g

LE 650.00
  About Sevenhills Wholefoods Organic Cocoa Butter Cocoa is an evergreen tree that grows naturally in tropical climates. Used in diets for centuries and more recently known for its nutrient content. Seed pods are harvested...
Size: 250 g
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About Sevenhills Wholefoods Organic Cocoa Butter

Cocoa is an evergreen tree that grows naturally in tropical climates. Used in diets for centuries and more recently known for its nutrient content. Seed pods are harvested by hand, broken apart and left until the beans soft pulp is fermented and drains as a liquid, causing the beans to lose part of their bitter taste. The beans are cleaned, dried, peeled and broken into pieces that are pressed to extract the fat content, cocoa butter, which is filtered and shaped. Use for making chocolate, baked goods, smoothies and natural skin care.

Our cocoa butter is sourced from organic producers. Organic means handling nature and is better for the environment - less pesticides, no herbicides or fertilizers and more sustainable agriculture. All organic farms and companies are checked annually and standards are set by law.


الكاكاو شجرة دائمة الخضرة تنمو بشكل طبيعي في المناخات الاستوائية. تُستخدم في النظم الغذائية منذ قرون ، وتُعرف مؤخرًا بمحتواها من العناصر الغذائية. يتم حصاد حبات البذور يدويًا ، وتتكسر وتترك حتى يتم تخمير لب حبوب الكاكاو الطرية وتصريفها كسائل ، مما يتسبب في فقدان الحبوب لجزء من طعمها المر. يتم تنظيف الحبوب وتجفيفها وتقشيرها وتقسيمها إلى قطع يتم ضغطها لاستخراج محتوى الدهون ، زبدة الكاكاو التي يتم تصفيتها وتشكيلها. تستخدم لصنع الشوكولاتة والمخبوزات والعصائر والعناية بالبشرة الطبيعية.

يتم الحصول على زبدة الكاكاو من المنتجين العضويين. العضوية تعني التعامل مع زراعتها وصناعتها طبيعيا بدون كيماويات, وهي أفضل للبيئة - أقل من مبيدات الآفات ولا مبيدات أعشاب أو أسمدة وزراعة أكثر استدامة. يتم فحص جميع المزارع والشركات العضوية سنويًا ويتم تحديد المعايير بموجب القانون.

Same Day Delivery:

Orders placed before 12 PM are delivered the same day in Cairo and Giza.

Same Day or Next Day Delivery:

Delivery to Helwan, far areas in Cairo, Helwan, and October can be same day or next day.

Pre-Order Bakery and Fresh Custom-Made Products:

Takes up to 3 days for delivery.

Important Delivery Information:

Please note that orders containing fresh products may incur higher delivery fees. This is due to the need for expedited delivery in specialized ice boxes to maintain product freshness, especially during adverse weather and over long distances

Products Needing International Shipping:

Takes 2 weeks for delivery.

Delivery to Other Governorates:

Takes 3-5 days for delivery.

Return Policy:

Orders can be returned if they are damaged during shipping, expired, or different from the image.

Please check the product with the courier before accepting it to confirm it meets your expectations.

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